Thursday, December 2, 2010

Things I Desperately Want Before I Go Abroad

I'm going to Copenhagen next semester! I just booked my plane ticket for January 15th and I'm getting rather excited. I am also excited because it's my favorite time of year--the holiday season! No snow in Connecticut, yet, but I'm still hoping for some before I head back to Baltimore. Holidays (and procrastination of paper-writing) cause me to surf the internet for products that I can dream about. Etsy has plenty of them, and the blogs that I read always highlight wonderful things. I'm pretty sure most of the blogs I read are by rich hipsters based on the types of clothes and household products they showcase, but I sometimes find those few special items that seem almost legitimate for me to buy.

In Scandinavia, it is very cold in the Winter, so I want to knit some more scarves and hats and possibly thrift some sweaters during Winter Break. It is also gorgeous, and I will be traveling a bit throughout Europe, so I need a good camera. I have a lovely point-and-shoot digital camera, but what I really want is something that takes awesome quality or artsy shots. I can't stop looking at cameras. I would love a film SLR because it's so much cheaper than DSLRs (even with the cost of film) and it would give me physical reminders of the beautiful things that I experienced. I've been researching. I also love Photojojo's store because they constantly have adorable and fabulous cameras for (mostly) reasonable prices.



And most of all...

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